
Posts from the “astronomy” Category

Running & rockets

Posted on July 2, 2024

This is an overdue update, but it includes some running and a hike to the top of Spencer Butte in South Eugene to watch for the arc of a rocket launch. Firefly Aerospace is launching the rocket from just north of Los Angeles. The images are from last night’s hike, along with some from a bit earlier. I ran a couple of races in the Emerald City Trail Series this year and they often have photographers out on the course taking photos. The shirt is from the Big Timber Running Club that I belong to. Good race, good folks and I look forward to more next year! Hiking up to the top of Spencer Butte last evening. Launch was scheduled for 9:00 pm. It…

Astronomical Delights & other items

Posted on July 18, 2023

Jonah and I went to the Pine Mountain Observatory last Friday evening for one of their summer season star gazing events and it was just incredible. Jonah has been into astronomy for a long time so this was a treat for us to do together. The next night we went to the Eugene Astronomy Society’s annual Star Party which was also fun and quite different (think: more people, more telescopes, longer lines, but still great). Photos below. These are two of the observatory domes that house telescopes. We were there well before dark, so we had a chance to look around, plus see a fantastic sunset over the Sisters Mountains to our west. From the top of Pine Mountain, which sits at 6300 feet…