
Posts from the “eugene” Category

Eugene Marathon

Posted on April 28, 2024

Today was the Eugene Marathon and Half Marathon! It is a great day in town and when you run you know people who run. I volunteered as a “course marshal,” which basically means not letting cars through onto the course. Otherwise it was all cheering for about three hours this morning. The weather was perfect for running and the enthusiasm was high. It was a fun way to start the day! The big group of runners heading north on West Amazon . . . . The logo has always been a favorite of mine. Fluorescent yellow/green sure made us all stand out in the morning grey, too!

Scorebook & Softball

Posted on April 21, 2024

I’ve been keeping score at baseball and softball games for a long time now – sometime in the 1990s. It was in the early 2000s that I made this scorebook based on a colleague’s husband’s own rendition of one. I bring it to all of my games now. The earliest game in this book from 2008. It is my own small historic chronicle of points in time in my life as I note the people I was with, the place, the weather and anything else unusual that took place during our time in the ballpark. We also went to the UO Women’s Softball game last night on campus with my daughter and a friend of hers and her dad. It was fun. Cheering from…


Posted on February 12, 2024

It’s been a while . . . . January came and went and now here we are. I am in the middle of a solid training block for the Gorge Waterfalls 50k in mid-April and that feels good. Two months to go and I am slowly extending miles and getting in some hills. Hill work for trail running means trail walking, or “power hiking,” or just plain old, “hiking.” The secret sauce of trail running is that you go long by going slow. At least that is my secret sauce. Speaking of which – there’s sheet-pan salmon to behold as well. Totally tasty and very easy to put together. Cheers – The sunrise from the top of Mt. Baldy near my house. It takes…

Paul’s birthday mile

Posted on January 26, 2024

Paul, from one of my running groups, the “UO Noon Runners” turned 86 today. This group has a tradition of doing a “birthday run” of some type, whether it be a mile, your age in miles or kilometers, or something of the sort. We all met up to run with Paul for his birthday mile before heading over to a place for coffee and treats. It was a wet, cold and rainy run, but a good crowd showed up for it. Paul is inspiring as are this small community of runners. I am grateful that circumstances caused me to bump into them and that I stuck around (it’s been 6 years I think). When I’m 86, I hope to be able to do a…