
Posts from the “seasons” Category

Mt. St. Helens, Ducks & Guinea Pigs

Posted on May 19, 2024

44 years ago on the 18th of May, I was camping with my Boy Scout troop when we heard a boom in the morning hours. I remember cooking eggs over the fire and looking up to a cloudless sky. We all thought it was another scout from another troop setting off an M-80 firecracker as we were at a weekend event with many other scout troops. When parents picked us up, we learned that it was the eruption of Mt. St. Helens. The photo is not mine (credit to the USGS). This morning I went out and looked up at our roof and these two ducks were happily viewing the(ir) world. And this week the guinea pigs celebrated their fourth birthday – Pinecone and…

Ice Storm 2024

Posted on January 19, 2024

We got hit hard starting on Saturday and we still have several thousand people here that are without power. At one point we had no cell service, no internet and no wireless service. I felt as if I were living my best 1989 life! In addition, we had a large limb fall and break off a good part of our front gutter. Photos below, news at 11. This was right after it happened. It was very loud and initially I thought the whole oak tree had fallen. We are very fortunate it was not worse. Daylight view. Freezing rain and ice on branches is no joke. And no fun. Onwards . . . .

End of 2023 #4

Posted on January 7, 2024

Final end-of-the-year post: saw my brother, Jonah in the arms of the troll, watched the Eras Tour movie, and the Seattle City skyline as we prepared to dock. Larry & Jasper Caught by a troll? Looks like it. 🙂 An era. 🙂 This did not exist when I grew up here (the wheel), but it is kinda neat looking. I’ve yet to go in as well. The waterfront part of Seattle is a nice place to spend some time. 2023. Time for 2024 . . . .

End of 2023 #3

Posted on January 6, 2024

Our trip was a nice get away and I realize each time I go to Bainbridge Island just how much I love being there, which I have mentioned before. One of the new art installations around these islands are wooden huge trolls. Sara is posing in the arms of one on Bainbridge for perspective. We went there following our surprising win at trivia at the local cider house. I’m dropping a few other photos here and will slowly work my way through the ones that I took on this trip. Sara in the troll. I met up with an old friend from my days at Dusty Strings Company, where Doug was a woodworker and I was a dulcimer set-up, stringer and tuner/test player. This…