
Posts from the “seasons” Category

End of 2023 #2

Posted on January 5, 2024

More of the final few days of 2023 . . . . I noticed that just traveling further north only 5 hours shows in the amount of daylight that lights up the day. In the Seattle area the sun would set a good twenty minutes earlier than in Eugene. Fortunately, we have passed the marks in which the daylight hours are shrinking. On the 3rd of January we had our latest sunrise. On December 9th we had our earliest sunset. Now the sun is setting later and will begin rising earlier. This is all good for my vitamin D catcher and spirit. 14,410 feet high, Mt. Rainier stands above it all. It is always good to see it out. Rolling Bay is a small…

Week End

Posted on December 10, 2023

The weekend: Fall Term ended Friday and this weekend we were all home which meant a lot of holiday activities commenced. It was fun, but more to the point I enjoyed that we were all together during the days this weekend. Photos of goings-on below: The front of the house with a few new lights this year. The glowing balls are from my father’s place from many years ago and they still work, which is lovely. The inside of the living room, ready to go for the tree. I like this image – there’s clutter, but also items that mean something. The desk, the stockings made by Sara, my father’s axe from his time in the forest service from the late 1940s and if…

Looking forward, looking back

Posted on December 1, 2023

Rain falls, again. The Good Rain. After a stretch of days with high pressure and cold temps, the weather turns once again. Also, a photo from an earlier era of my life when I worked at Dusty Strings Company, making hammered dulcimers and harps, working retail and doing other such things. This was one of the best places I have ever worked. I went from an insurance company to Dusty Strings where I could wear shorts and a t-shirt to work and it was only 5 blocks from where I lived. Good place, great people, surrounded daily by music and musicians. Early morning today on campus. Sun is coming up, leaves are scattered, ground is wet. Maybe I can be found in this wonderful…

EOM (End of Month)

Posted on October 29, 2023

October flew by it seems. I updated my Now page with bullets of some relevant items. A lot happens and is happening: teens, friends, runs, family. All with worry and concern, grief, love, attention, poetry, and prose. I hold it all in my heart these days. Some recent photos below: It was 25 degrees F when we all met up for our run this morning. I’ve missed this group, the Noon Group as we are called. Some of them have been with this group for 50 years, some 30. Me? 6. I’m just a kid. Our weekly Saturday run takes us over the Autzen Footbridge, which connects the UO main campus to the football, soccer, and baseball stadium areas. The river’s warmer-than-air-water was transitioning…

Seattle Thanks 2022 part 2

Posted on November 30, 2022

Our visit included a visit to my see my stepmom who turned 85 on Friday! Music was happening at her retirement community so we went to listen. (That’s Why There’s No) Thanksgiving Song Can’t sing along, cuz there’s no Thanksgiving song Pieces of April, now scattered round the table How many more, that’s what this day is for Take the tin foil from the tray, set silverware and plates Paper napkins from the drawer Too gold to stay too long… that’s why there’s Cheap beer and football, sweet wine and pratfalls Careful when you go to plate the cranberries should keep the shape Of the can, our silly yearly plan Makes us laugh until we shake, what little sense it makes To save the…