
Posts from the “uo” Category

Scorebook & Softball

Posted on April 21, 2024

I’ve been keeping score at baseball and softball games for a long time now – sometime in the 1990s. It was in the early 2000s that I made this scorebook based on a colleague’s husband’s own rendition of one. I bring it to all of my games now. The earliest game in this book from 2008. It is my own small historic chronicle of points in time in my life as I note the people I was with, the place, the weather and anything else unusual that took place during our time in the ballpark. We also went to the UO Women’s Softball game last night on campus with my daughter and a friend of hers and her dad. It was fun. Cheering from…


Posted on February 12, 2024

It’s been a while . . . . January came and went and now here we are. I am in the middle of a solid training block for the Gorge Waterfalls 50k in mid-April and that feels good. Two months to go and I am slowly extending miles and getting in some hills. Hill work for trail running means trail walking, or “power hiking,” or just plain old, “hiking.” The secret sauce of trail running is that you go long by going slow. At least that is my secret sauce. Speaking of which – there’s sheet-pan salmon to behold as well. Totally tasty and very easy to put together. Cheers – The sunrise from the top of Mt. Baldy near my house. It takes…

EOM (End of Month)

Posted on October 29, 2023

October flew by it seems. I updated my Now page with bullets of some relevant items. A lot happens and is happening: teens, friends, runs, family. All with worry and concern, grief, love, attention, poetry, and prose. I hold it all in my heart these days. Some recent photos below: It was 25 degrees F when we all met up for our run this morning. I’ve missed this group, the Noon Group as we are called. Some of them have been with this group for 50 years, some 30. Me? 6. I’m just a kid. Our weekly Saturday run takes us over the Autzen Footbridge, which connects the UO main campus to the football, soccer, and baseball stadium areas. The river’s warmer-than-air-water was transitioning…

Back to school!

Posted on September 8, 2023

Both Jonah and Nora headed to their prospective schools this week. One late and one early. One less than excited and the other overly so. Late afternoons I often take a short walk and sit near Hayward Field to do a bit of reading. Blue sky, green field and silver skin over the top. It is a lovely start to Fall here in Eugene.


Posted on April 9, 2023

The weekend: UO Women’s Softball with Nora, new season of sports (Spring soccer), robotics continues, and running with pals! Two complimentary tickets were offered to UO Staff for the game on Friday evening. It was my first time in the relatively new ballpark, and it was quite nice. New season of soccer for Nora. New players, a new coach and new dynamics, but always fun for her. Growing up, indeed! This is a screenshot from the South Eugene Robotics Team’s (SERT) Instagram from their competition that was held in Cheney, Washington, over the weekend. They did really well and now are on their way to the World Championships competition in Houston, Texas in two weeks (!). Jonah seems to have found his niche, as…